Wednesday 26 June 2013

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything

I had an interview for this incredible internship opportunity today.  Although I'm far from getting the hang of answering the standard self assessment questions such as what my weaknesses and strengths are I really enjoyed the whole experience. The nervous feeling, trying to find the place, waiting once you get there etc. 
However once I got talking I had a fantastic time! I think that the more I try and convince someone else that this is what I want to do, the more I remind myself. It's quite exciting trying to start your way into the real world. Hopefully and fingers crossed they might consider me and take me aboard on what sounds like an incredible company with a new, exciting brand that is exploding all over the country. 

After my interview I headed of to South Ken for a quick visit to the Science museum (my all-time favourite place in the world). It was exactly what I wanted to do! After all the excitement I got home and crawled onto the sofa with a blanket and after Watching the second Sherlock Holmes movie; A Game of Shadows (which I highly recommend to anyone who's been living under a rock and hasn't seen it) I think I'm going to take a lazy day tomorrow.


Tuesday 25 June 2013

Elephants Never Forget

In my opinion Elephants are the coolest of creatures; they're strong, majestic, and (probably because of my favourite childhood movies "The Jungle Book", "The Lion King" and the book "Water for Elephants") they could easily be my favourite.

This year has been a big one for me and I have enjoyed every second of it spending my last school year in London with all my amazingly weird and wonderful friends. Everyone has their own plans for the next 6 months and will be travelling all over the globe to their University choices or their Gap Year destinations.  So I've decided that to make the most of this summer I'll need to channel my inner-elephant and "never forget". 

(Or in other words: take a tonne of photos and jump at every possible opportunity)

Monday 24 June 2013

"Today isn't just another day, today i'll create something"

I woke up thismorning with a free day, so I decided to be creative, dig out my gluegun and make something.

Over the past year I stuck a bunch of photos, old tickets and invites on my bedroom wall but they're starting to peel off so I thought I'd make a couple of collages to frame and take with me to wherever I end up in September

Sunday 23 June 2013

Out with the Old and in with the New

In order to kickstart the summer I cut my hair, cleared out my wardrobe and went on a shopping spree with my friends to check out the summer sales
Here's a little sneak peak of what I bought

 Patterned trousers and turquoise top from Zara
 Skirt and sweater from Pull and Bear
Boots from New Look

Friday 21 June 2013

The Sweet Sweet Taste of Freedom!

First things are first;

After Yesterday's experience I've decided that I need to think through how to celebrate my new found freedom. Me and my friend decided that since we had just finished our A-levels we should do something spontaneous to mark the end of the darkness! So we headed off to Hyde Park to swim in the serpentine. However we failed to bring any money. Who knew you had to pay to jump into a dirty public pool of water?! Anyways apparently you do and they don't accept IOUs.... 

Lesson number one of the real world: Nothing in London is Free

 Anyways so here's my checklist of things to do this week:

1. Victory Dance out of the exam hall 

2. Slow motion victory run out of the school building 

3.  Celebrate in the appropriate manner with friends 

4.Turn off the alarm mode on my phone and sleep until I naturally wake up (11 am this morning) 

5.Burn my old revision notes (not maths though, might need those again.....) 

6. Reorganise my room; the sticky notes are coming down! No more history dates and maths equations staring at me as I sleep 

7. Make a start on my mission to catch up on TV shows I've missed and most importantly re-watch the whole of One Tree Hill season 1

8. Sort out my wardrobe; Make room summer clothes coming through!! Now that I have a life again I need to make an effort with my appearance!

9. Sort out my new fitness regime; bikini bod here we come!

10. Put together my summer itunes playlist