Tuesday 18 February 2014

A Life That's Good

My plan for the next couple of months is to stop being negative and concentrate on the happier things in life. I am going to try and complete the 100 Days happy Challenge!


Amazingly 71% of people who have tried have failed - they couldn't find the time to appreciate the happy moments in their day to day lives. Personally, that makes me sad and I think I can do better! 

Inspired by my friend Ally, I want to spread some happiness and hope that it's contagious! So, I'm going to try and submit a picture once a day on my instagram of what made me happy every day!  #100happydays

I've been pretty ill this week but I'm trying to see the silver lining!
The silver lining for today is that I went to Wagamama with my friend Izzy for a change of scene, to make us feel better and and to escape from washing up! I then went home and watched Safe Haven so I feel like things are looking better!

Let today be day 1 of 100 Happy Days! 

Can you be happy too?
Let me know if you're taking part or think you can be happy for 100 days in a row or even what put a smile on your face today?

Day 1 #100happydays

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