Sunday 2 February 2014

RAG Week

Have you spotted those wonderful people walking about campus in neon orange hoodies? Standing in the pouring rain huddled together? Dancing in the Middle of the High Street to a busker playing Mr Brightside ? Dressed up as bears, footballers, punk rockers and some other character you can't quite make out? Well, it was all in the name of RAG Week.
"Raising and Giving" for a number of fantastic charities including:

This last week has been incredible! A chance to meet people you would probably never bump into, share amazingly funny stories of "what happened to you last night?!"and experience a week filled with events and nights out all in the efforts to raise money for our charities.

Highlights of the week include the now-forever-famous Toby dancing the whole of the Beyonce's Single Ladies routine during our student union's adaptation of "Take Me Out", Crew sing-alongs after our attempts to build spaghetti towers at the pub quiz and the many nights trying to avoid the cage in Sinners.

I have absolutely loved being part of Crew 6's Football team for the last week and will definitely be signing up again next year! I highly recommend it to anyone who's thinking about it to get involved!

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