Saturday 22 February 2014

Nothing says 'Home' like the smell of Baking!

Since it's half-term I came home for the weekend. I forgot about the simple things in life like sleeping in your own bed, being fed by your mum, having a dishwasher and being able to throw everything in the laundry basket and have clean clothes miraculously appear! However, my favourite thing ever is to cook in our family kitchen so my brother and I decided to bake brownies...

Step 1 - measure out your ingredients

Cocoa Powder 
Cooking Chocolate
Chocolate Chips
White Chocolate Chips

Step 2 - Melt the butter and chocolate together 

Step 3 - In a separate bowl whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture is thick and creamy and then fold in the melted butter/chocolate.

Step 4 - Then fold in the sifted flour and cocoa powder

Step 5 - Fold in the chocolate chips and walnuts and then pour the mixture into baking trays

Step 6 - Cook in the oven for 30 minutes

 Step 7 - Enjoy :) cut yourself a piece when they're still warm with some ice cream!

We used a recipe from the bbc's good food website and added our own walnuts and chocolate chips but they were so good and the website has so many great recipes to try out at home and they're really easy to follow!! 

Let me know what your favourite thing to bake is
Do you have any family favourites?
Which recipes do you use all the time?

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