Saturday 22 February 2014

Letter Writing - A Lost Art

This week I have been searching for a postcard to send to my younger cousins. I thought that this would be a relatively easy task, being that postcards are not exactly "extinct" quite yet. After going to local corner shops, my student union, newsagents, and walking around the post office a couple of times I decided on my third loop of the post office that I would ask behind the desk. I was directed to the saddest looking shoebox on the floor at the end of the counter next to rubber bands and pritt sticks. After this whole ordeal was over and I was home after writing the two or three sentences that had taken a week to write down on paper,  the second task of the quest revealed itself - where's the nearest postbox?

The whole experience got me thinking how sad it was that letter writing is such a rare act and that in the eyes of my generation is so old fashioned and in some ways novel as it fits into a sort of indie/vintage fashion. Apart from Christmas Cards and thank you letters, I never send anything by post.

Over Christmas my Grandmother found a series of letters written between older members of her family, in 80 years are people really going to be scrolling through my phone to uncover the events of my life. It saddens me to think that my great grandchildren will all be sat around saying "oh look, she said 'cool - see you soon' to this girl called Lucy in 2014". There's such a romantic air about a letter, the fact that you can physically hold it, see the smudges and gestures in their handwriting, even putting the date in the top right hand corner seems to be a trademark that is no longer used.

Anyways so the whole point to this rambling rant is that I like getting letters in the post and sending them back to people so that's what I will do - write more letters.

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